LDT Team

Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is here to make your life easier. When you call us you can speak to the same person every time, ensuring you receive a consistent and efficient service as soon as we pick up the phone. 

So if you want to buy your bulk Tropical, Temperate and European hardwoods, softwood clears and WoodEx® Engineered timber in the quantities you need, at great value, from people who understand your business….. give LDT a call. 

James White

Depot Director

Email address: [email protected]
Direct number: 01442 503474
Mobile number: 07973 324434

Neil Gaines

Key Account Manager

Email address [email protected]
Direct number 01959 547691
Mobile Number 07825 416120

Lorna Lloyd

Sales Manager

Email address [email protected]
Direct number 01959 547697
Mobile Number 07739 541672

Rob Alderson

Sales Executive - Midlands Area

Email address [email protected]
Direct number 01959 560393
Mobile Number 07970 055341

Carl Hulme

Sales Executive - Northern Area

Email address [email protected]

Direct number 01959 547698

Mobile Number 07827 071229

Andrew Stanworth

Sales Executive – South West Area

Email address: [email protected]
Direct number: 01959 547694
Mobile number: 07879 702201

How can we help?

Need to get in touch?

UK Contact Details

01959 561777

Ireland Contact Details

00353 87 7001888